Acne may be caused by:
- Disease of the sebaceous gland;
- Blocking of the follicle is often the problem;
- Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency (EFAD);
- Adult acne happens after the age of 30 and is usually accompanied by dry and scaly skin, whereas in puberty, acneic skin is often oily and moist;
- Inappropriate skin care and makeup with comedogenic substances can trigger and upset the balance of your pores;
- Lifestyle choices (i.e. diet habits such as dairy, sugar, high carbohydrates) can influence the intensity and progression of acne;
- Hormonal imbalances are a significant contributing factor to the acne story. Puberty, preovulatory, premenstrual and pregnanc are the most common;
- Stress (work, school, relationships, etc);
- Genetics (predisposition);
- Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and hormonal preparations.
How to counter these effects:
- Our #1 priority is to repair the skin barrier function and cell regeneration of the life cycle of your skin. We recommend a simple, yet effective 3 step process using our bio-identical products: cleanse, tone and moisturize. Typically a 90% improvement can be seen within a month together with dietary improvements as well;
- Restore skins’ natural oils and balance by incorporating Essential Fatty Acid into the daily skin care regime. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a multifunctional natural substance and should be an integral part of the skin care program for acne skin;
- Restore the protective layer of the skin called the acid mantle, which acts like a barrier against bacteria and other contaminants;
- Restore proper moisture (dry acneic);
- Depending on the type of acne, reducing inflammatory and/or microbial skin through effective preparations;
- Repairing scar tissue and plugged pores;
- Pure active agent concentrates and their combinations have priority in acneic skin.

Which treatments we recommend:
- Our Introductory Facial Packages: Using the non-invasive OBSERV device, we can look beneath the surface of your skin to see the oil content and health of your skin, paying attention to possible inflammation and pigmentation. Next, an in-depth consultation will allow us to discuss and take a close look at your history in regards to skincare rituals, products, health, habits, and lifestyle to see where adjustments and suggestions can make a huge difference. Following these two crucial assessments, a customized facial will treat your skin and target exactly what you need to focus on to reduce the signs of acne and move towards healthier and happier skin. Finally, a treatment plan customized to your needs will be provided that outlines our recommendation for products and frequency of future facials.
- Facials: Acne needs special attention to improve and maintain the health of your pores. We focus on reducing clogged and plugged follicles, balancing oil production and reducing inflammation. Gentle exfoliation and bio-identical products are used to avoid skin irritations. Special attention is given to calming and reducing irritation and inflammation. Each facial is customized with your specific concerns to transform your skin back to a healthy state. Together, these personalized facials with essential actives and an appropriate home care routine can eliminate causing factors and maintain your skins’ optimum health.
Products Suggestions:
We recommend eliminating harsh and drying ingredients that can trap oils, bacteria, and other debris in your skin, impacting its ability to breath and clear up. Rather, we focus on ingredients that support and encourage less oil production and decrease inflammation.
- Cleansing - must be gentle and effective in removing oil build up and dirt from the day, while at the same time treating your skin and pores to respond to healing.
- Toners – are essential but should not cause dryness or irritation. Instead, the focus should be on ingredients that nourish the skin and provide it with what it needs to be balanced, healthy, and happy.
- Moisturizers – need to be the right balance of moisture and healthy fats. It's important to avoid moisture loss which can lead to comedones and sebum cysts
- Makeup – In both moisturizers and makeup, you will want to avoid talc and silicones (i.e. Dimithecone), which acts like plastic wrap, trapping the oils and bacteria in your pores and increasing the signs of acne.
Benefits of our Acne treatment and dermaviduals® skin care plan
- Calms inflammation and soothes soreness
- Evens skin tone
- Increases the health of the pore
- Minimizes the appearance of pores
- Smooths the skin
- Reduces the appearance of scarring